Are you getting the best return on the money that you are a steward of? This exposition of Luke 16 will encourage you to use the money that God has entrusted you with to make friends in heavenly places. We are not to seek to have “our best life now” but rather to believe that as Christians our best life is coming in eternity with our father and our Savior Jesus.
MP3 (Right click or tap and hold, then choose "save")
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Date | 06-01-2014 |
Speaker | Paul Lloyd |
Media | Sermons |
Category | Finances |
Length | 75 minutes |
Index# | 4896 |
Title | Speaker | Category | Date |
Fresh & New | Jeff Barker | Holy Spirit | 01-12-2025 |
Is Your Soul Being Saved? | Abner Lambright | Sanctification | 01-05-2025 |
Jesus Stopped at my Cell Door | Tim Eshbach | Salvation | 12-29-2024 |
As Far as the Curse is Found | Emanuel Esh | The Gospel | 12-22-2024 |
What Now? | Mike Stoltzfus | Kingdom of God | 12-15-2024 |