Power to Bless Others

by Zac Poonen

This sermon is part of

Set 193: A Life of Fullness

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Jesus was filled with the Spirit. The Bible tells us to put away all anger. If we can’t bridle our tongues then our religion is worthless. We can cry out to God to change those areas in our lives. How persistent are we in our request for the Holy Spirit and other things that God has in store for us. We are called to help build the church. We may not be a preacher, but we can encourage others. God wants to use us to reach some people for Him. God has appointed us to be watchman on the wall. Don’t give up until He answers. Without Jesus we can do nothing. Let’s keep the channels open so that God can bear fruit through us. Jesus died to be able to send the Comforter.

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SpeakerZac Poonen
Series/EventTent Meetings 2013
Included InSet 193
Length45 minutes