This is a message expressing the value of being practical in discipleship. “God give us grace that our love would be bigger than our counsel.” This quote is a great need for the man who disciples others. We need to have the spirit of a prophet, that is, discernment. Discernment recognizes sin in its beginning and we must be willing to declare it as such in order to effectively disciple others.
MP3 (Right click or tap and hold, then choose "save")
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Date | 02-25-2010 |
Speaker | Dale Gish |
Series/Event | Men's Leadership Seminar 2010—Berne, Indiana |
Included In | Set 181 |
Media | Sermons |
Category | Discipleship |
Length | 60 minutes |
Index# | 4344 |
Title | Speaker | Category | Date |
Is My Gift Unwrapped? | Abner Lambright | Faith | n/a |
Ephesians 4 Gifts for Ministry | Emanuel Esh | Spiritual Gifts | 08-11-2024 |
Our Message to the Angels | Tim Eshbach | Spiritual War | 08-04-2024 |
Trusting His Higher Ways | Daniel Kenaston | Character Of God | 07-21-2024 |
A God Merciful and Gracious | Paul Lamicela | Character Of God | 07-14-2024 |