In order to become more like Jesus, and to let Him reign fully in our lives, flesh must die. This truth will liberate and set us free. The example that Jesus gave as He laid down His life, embraced the cross, died, was buried, and then arose, is also a principle that will liberate us. Flesh is the place that the enemy has a right to operate in, and it must be mortified. We must reckon ourselves as dead indeed unto sin. As we take the flesh to the cross, and put it in the grave, we have a place of safety that breaks the power of temptation. It is through burial that the resurrection power is released.
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Date | 08-14-2007 |
Speaker | Daniel Rudolph |
Series/Event | Community Fellowship Tent Meetings 2007 |
Included In | Set 155 |
Media | Sermons |
Category | Sanctification |
Length | 75 minutes |
Index# | 3873 |
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As Far as the Curse is Found | Emanuel Esh | The Gospel | 12-22-2024 |
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