This message brings out one of the key differences between Protestant and Anabaptist theology at their roots, which is whether the Gospel of the Kingdom as given in the Sermon on the Mount is for all Christians to observe and obey today, or for some later time such as the millennial reign of Christ.
MP3 (Right click or tap and hold, then choose "save")
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Date | 11-25-2012 |
Speaker | Emanuel Esh |
Media | Sermons |
Category | Kingdom of God |
Index# | 4704 |
Title | Speaker | Category | Date |
Fresh & New | Jeff Barker | Holy Spirit | 01-12-2025 |
Is Your Soul Being Saved? | Abner Lambright | Sanctification | 01-05-2025 |
Jesus Stopped at my Cell Door | Tim Eshbach | Salvation | 12-29-2024 |
As Far as the Curse is Found | Emanuel Esh | The Gospel | 12-22-2024 |
What Now? | Mike Stoltzfus | Kingdom of God | 12-15-2024 |