This message is a wake-up call to those who believe that the TV is harmless, or that it can be controlled. Many scriptures are used to show that the majority of the things presented on television are detrimental and offensive to God.
MP3 (Right click or tap and hold, then choose "save")
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Date | 02-24-2002 |
Speaker | Mose Stoltzfus |
Media | Sermons |
Category | Practical Christian Living |
Length | 90 minutes |
Index# | 2895 |
Title | Speaker | Category | Date |
Is Your Soul Being Saved? | Abner Lambright | Sanctification | 01-05-2025 |
Jesus Stopped at my Cell Door | Tim Eshbach | Salvation | 12-29-2024 |
As Far as the Curse is Found | Emanuel Esh | The Gospel | 12-22-2024 |
What Now? | Mike Stoltzfus | Kingdom of God | 12-15-2024 |
Seeking God’s Presence | Jared Barker | Prayer | 12-08-2024 |